I have just received my first award. Well, not just. It's been a few days. I've been a slacker- sorry! This award was given to me by Krazy Mama Karebare. We're newbies together so I'm very honored that she shared this with me! I want to thank each and every one of you that follow my blog or subscribe to my RSS feed/email. I love all of your feedback. What can I say? I'm a comment whore... :)
The rules of the “One Lovely Blog Award” are:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Here are my blogs I'd like to share this award with:
Little Mom That Could
One Boomer Mom
Confessions of a First Time Mommy
Juggling Mama
My Take on Mommyhood
Mommy Madness
Latin Mom of 4 Punks
How to Survive in Suburbia
I know that's only 10... I'm tired and I know the hyperlinks in this post also suck... feel free to yell at me..
Thanks Karen! :)
Destination Toronto: A Weekend at St. Regis Toronto
2 months ago