- He always gets the diaper bag ready for the next day.
- He doesn't mind that I don't cook dinner everyday. Or even twice a week.
- He likes the house straightened up but doesn't expect me to do everything.
- He likes the musical Rent.
- He sacrifices by watching the latest chick flicks with me (such as Sex in the City and The Devil Wears Prada).
- He organizes Josh's baby food in the cupboard according to food group.
- When I'm in a bitchy mood, he tries to cheer me up with silly jokes. They only work about 65% of the time, but he always tries!
- He was amazing while I was giving birth to Josh. Cool, calm, and collected and was actually very soothing during the entire process.
- He's an optimist. No matter what happens, he always sees the bright side.
- He does the laundry.
- He's a neat freak. I'm not. We work it out.
- He knows how important my sleep is to me and gets up with Josh in the middle of the night when I'm super exhausted.
- He sets his clothes out at night for the next day.
- He still thinks I have a rockin bod after carrying and delivering an 11 lb baby.
- He likes to quote movies.
- He really does love me for me... :)
- He's a great daddy.
- He always rearranges his work schedule to take Josh to his check ups. (I still haven't been to one!)
- He understannds when I want to go to bed at 8:00.
Destination Toronto: A Weekend at St. Regis Toronto
2 months ago