Along with the holidays comes a lot of shopping! That meant crowded stores, the last thing I wanted to do was maneuver a giant suv stroller around. So, I didn't! I have a great baby carrier, a Moby Wrap to be specific. It was perfect for the holiday crowds. I love wearing my baby, as in my intro post stated, she really is the cutest accessories I have. Left me with free hands to wrangle my four year old, without having to leave my baby in a stroller.
Here is where I could relay different facts about baby wearing... Like babies that are worn are less fussy. BUT it's all perspective there. I can only say what I know to be 100% true to me. I know that wearing my baby gives me two free hands when she wants to be held and other things need to be done around the house. I know that I love to have her near me, that I love to feel her warmth, and I would imagine that she feels the same way. It has sure had other advantages, like, a safe semi-private way to breastfeed.
So really quick... Just to answer the two most asked questions I get in public:
1. Is that hard to us? Not at all, they have great directions with them and really helpful videos on youtube
2. Is that safe? Absolutely! Follow all the directions and as always, pay attention to your baby!
I really love wearing my baby, and they're are a lot of ways to do it, a lot of resources out there as well.
I will leave you all with my baby wearing picture from the holidays:

For those of you that practice baby wearing on a regular basis, what do you love about it? What kind of carrier do you use? For those of you that don't, what's stopping you?