I stumbled upon an article about Ohio's messiest mom on the internet today. I was afraid to read it because I thought it might be about me! I had a random burst of energy and purpose yesterday. The house was quiet, my husband and baby were napping so I thought it'd be a good time to clean out my bedroom. Isn't it sad that at 25 years old, I have a family, my own home and still manage to trash my room? I don't know if you would say it's trashed, but I like to have all my daily necessities at my disposal without having to pull them out of a drawer or cabinet every morning and evening. I put away my hair supplies, tidied up my dresser, and finally got around to weeding out all of my old clothes in my closet.
The messiest mom had her home organized by the Style network. After they dove into the closet (how they found it, I have no idea) they pulled out over 200 blazers!! That's 200 suit coats! How could you possibly need more than 5, let alone 200!! This story made my think of myself. I think she had a hoarding habit that got out of control. I call myself a pack rat but this goes above and beyond. While I was searching for a home for my commencement regalia, I didn't know if I should just part with the cap and gown and keep the tassle or just keep everything. After all, you never know when I'll want to look back and wear my regalia again... What am I thinking?
Ok, maybe I don't have a hoarding problem, but I think about every little thing that may mean something to me someday and think "I should hang on to this." Where do you draw the line? I keep clothes that I'll never wear again either because they're too big (I always hold on to the smaller ones with a sliver of hope that they'll fit some day soon) or maybe I'll want to wear it next season. Well we all know that's not going to happen. So I broke down and filled a big garbage bag with the ugly orange button up that I hate wearing but is so good to have around when you run out of options. Wait there's that rationalization again...
Throw it out! I have the commencement tassle, pictures and memories. Tons of other shirts to wear... Isn't that enough? I think it's time to rid my life of all the unnessary junk that I keep around just because "someday I'll want/need it" or you may see the messiest Mad Mom on that list next year!
Destination Toronto: A Weekend at St. Regis Toronto
2 months ago
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