Hey look my ghost post inspired a story on Mother's Click!
Getting older is weird. Yesterday I pulled out my second ever gray hair. I pulled it out and examined it. You know, to make sure it really was gray and not one of my highlights. It was actually a beautiful gleaming piece of silver hair. It's funny that I'm describing it so lovingly. Some people just have really beautiful silver hair. Not gray but silver or snow white. I worked in a nursing home for 7 years of my life and have seen some gorgeous "old lady" hair. I didn't feel the same way with my first gray hair. I think it was about a year ago. I saw it in the mirror while I was at work. I probably shed a single tear. I was 24- waaaay too early for gray! But I hear that's not the case. I'm just glad I hadn't sprouted another until just now.
It's also weird to see the guys you've known forever show signs of aging. Some of them have thinning hair. I caught myself looking at a man my age the other day. Just staring at what would soon be his bald spot. That must really suck. Women bald too, though its not as common as it is for men, I couldn't imagine waking up with piles of hair on my pillow.
Women sag and droop. We get sad and have to cover up our gray hair. What is it about men that makes them look so distinguished with gray hair? Is it our "natural" instict. That instinct that tells us to marry a man who can provide and take care of the family - back to the cavemen roots? The same roots that tell men to marry younger women. The instict that says "I need to reproduce and this young female can do it for me." Hmmm.... thoughts to ponder.
I took a social psychology class in college about 5 years ago. Strange that this is all just seeping out of my brain now.. What do you think?
Destination Toronto: A Weekend at St. Regis Toronto
2 months ago
Indeed... getting old is weird :) I try to deny any saggage! :)
Luckily, knock on wood, I haven't gotten gray hair yet. My husband, on the other hand, is sporting some. His sprouted after I married him. Wonder if that means anything?
My brother-in-law has had gray hair since his early 20s. He's in his mid 40s now. He dyed his hair brown a couple of years ago and it looked way weird. It's now back to the natural gray and I couldn't imagine him with any other color.
I don't have any gray hair yet but let me assure you that Hair Dye will be my friend when they do show up. :)
Gray hair has a genetic component. I had a few gray hairs by the time I was 18. It runs in my family to get gray hair at a young age.
Think I'd rather have the gray than the sag....
Have a great RTT!
My grandma had that beautiful silvery white hair. I'm so hoping for that myself!
I don't look good in gray! I'm going down kicking and screaming (-:
My grandparents had the most beautiful snow-white hair when they got older - I'm hoping I inherit that when I get old. :)
My hubby sprouted a lot of gray hair after the Princess Nagger was born. I bet when she hits her tweens and teens he'll go completely gray... ;)
Happy RTT! :)
My hubby got his first gray hair at 23.I didn't get grey hairs until all my kids were born - well into my 30s. I've just started to use hair dye and I hate it, but a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do. As for the sagging - there's only the plastic surgeon for that and NO ONE'S coming near me with a knife!
Hi! I'm visiting from MBC! Great blog.
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