My kid needs a helmet. How do you think it would look for me to have a helmet on my baby at all times? He bangs his head on everything. He's so wild he sat up (suddenly) and smacked his little forehead right on the changing table. In the bathtub, same thing. "Joshua, sit down.... Joshua, sit down! Sit DOWN, Joshua!" Bonk! Even with my hands braced around him to prevent him from slipping. He stands up, I put him down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Constant. He usually loves bath time but today is another story all around. I put him in the tub. He started screaming as if there were molton lava coming out of the faucet. The water was even on the cool side because it's hot in here. So I splashed around a little to show him that this was indeed the same place he has been to everyother night for the last nine months. It worked. Then out of nowhere, another scream. He shoots up, throws his hands around my neck and looks at me with that "mommy, save me!" look. Great... that phase...
He usually goes to bed pretty good, too. Not tonight. He's up there screaming his little head off. I'll go back up in a few minutes to calm him down, but he's staying up there. He sounds like an angry cat. I used to be able to just give him his bottle or put on his music and he'd be fine. I'm now listening to the sounds of the crib jumping around. How does this super human nine month old baby manage to move the crib? He's a freak of nature. I went up there. Calmed him down. He immediately blew his nose on my shirt... The second I walked away, he was screaming again.
Wait, it's quiet now... (KNOCK ON WOOD!)
Did you child go through this "mommy, I need you" phase? How long did it last? What are some ways to ease the neediness (if there even are any)?
I remember this phase well...this Drs. advice is right there:
It won't last forever is the only thing I can tell you...
Must be in the name, my son is also Joshua and he does the EXACT SAME THING!
I did the let them cry and calm them down thing too. Worked for me. I have really good sleepers now (they're 3 & 5). When my oldest was 18 months old, she went through a waking up in the middle of the month phase. We got her a puppy who "ate" a magic biscuit each night. When ever she woke up at night, she was to talk to the puppy and he would beam out his magic (from the biscuit) to help her fall back to sleep. The weird lengths we parents will go to.
I guess the point of that little story was to suggest Joshua have some kind of lovie that can woo him back to sleep. Sorry, I'm a little long-winded.
I'd love to have you drop by my place: Life Makes Me Laugh
I think they go through that separation anxiety thing, like your leaving them forever when you are just leaving the room for five minutes! I remember my son doing that, too but I dind't make much of it and it just worked itself out. Another fun phase, right?!
22 months old and I am still needed 24/7. I don't know why but it is all mommy all the time. Exhausting!
Oh and the helmet is needed in my house. I have often thought of putting one on him all the time. Just last week we went to the doctor for a head injury because he drove a big wheel off the baby-sitters deck. Sigh.....
I have a three year old.. same thing. SO NEEDY. I haaaaaaaaate the nightime thing when you're trying to write your tweets and blogs and you have to listen to the background screaming, crying or Princess demands.
Luckily I don't hear the crib banging anymore.
Ah yes, it won't last forever, but it is a trick to get them to learn to fall asleep on their own. Best of luck!!
this too shall pass..... good luck :)
I WISH my kid had a 'mommy, i need you' phase. Right now it's "the sun shines out of daddy's butt!".
He also needs a full-time helmet. He's actually put hats on his own head because he keeps bumping it. Sounds like a business opportunity, right there - helmets that look like hats...
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