I've been sick all weekend. Today is day 4 with this hideous cold. The worst part about it is that I'm hosting the bachelorette party for one of my very best friends this weekend. That's right, husband and baby are kicked out for the weekend. This party is equally important to me as my own bachelorette party was. So it really sucks that I'm not feeling 100%. I want to make sure we're all able to enjoy it- including me! I've been dosing up on Nyquil and cold medicine. Which has definitely helped me sleep, but that's about it. I think I feel about the same as I did before.
Additionally, this past weekend was Mother's Day. What a way to spend it... sick! I did enjoy myself quite a bit though. My sisters and I made brunch for my mom. Then I had about an hour of quiet time while Josh was napping. It was wonderful! After that, we zipped over to my in-laws' house for dinner. It was so nice! I love spending time with my families.
It's so different than it was just a few years ago. Ok, maybe more than a few... When I was in my late teens, I dreaded, just like every other teen, having to spend a day with my family. My friends were so much more interesting!
It's amazing how things change as you get older and you begin to realize which people in your life are truly the most important.
It is always nice to spend time with our family. I think the older we get, the more we appreciate them. I really hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself!
additionally, I'd like to gripe about the fact that my computer has been completely eaten by a virus! So, that's why it's nearly half way through the month and I'm just putting up my first post :(
and Thanks for the well wishes Pres. Kathy!
Sorry your feeling sick...give it time and feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon. When you feel better, let me know if you would like to do a review with a 10 day sample of L'bri pure and natural aloe based skincare products.
Stop over for my anniversary give away
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